Do you think most of us are too reliant on tech? Why yes/no? What is the cost of replacing physical human interaction with tech?

Many people have become too reliant on technology. For example, people who have all of the items in their house automated. Whether it’s electronic or purely mechanical, tech is used for a broad spectrum of things. Many of them are out of pure desire for a cool knickknack and serve very little purpose to actually aid in something.

When technology is used for communication it can create people who aren’t accustomed to speaking to other people, who have emotions. This can cause insensitivity and lack of tact; most of these people are called “Karens.” However, this can go even further with other people. Due to social media, many people, considered “chronically online,” can make small things large or injure people in different ways due to their negligence or hope for fame. An example of this is Tourettes Syndrome. During and right after Quarantine, a huge outburst of people claiming they had this disease, came to light. This would cause many people to doubt the people who actually have the disease, or cause the victims to experience their own tic attacks from the people pretending to do so. This can be seen with many other diseases or disorders as well. “Scar Girl,” a controversial young woman. She’s known for the large scar on her face, as her name may suggest. A large majority of people have tried to debunk the scar, citing times when her scar was a different size, color, or on the other side of her face. This has caused her to receive much online harassment, with some people going so far as to send her death threats. This mentality is harmful for a large group to have, and with technology, it has become excruciatingly common. Calling out people for their wrongdoings can be so helpful when the person is some sort of ‘bad person’; however, this becomes dangerous when it goes against someone for whom there is no solid evidence of their wrongdoings.

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