First Contemporary Lit Blog Post

Why do we write?

People write for a large variety of reasons. We write to communicate, to share. We write because we’re told or forced to. We write because it’s a necessity in every context of humanity, considering we need to communicate so many different things to ourselves and others.

What are all of the different reasons that different people write? List as many as you can here.

People write for communication purposes. They write to pass down knowledge. They write because it’s comforting to do so. They write so that they can share. People love sharing and we do it continuously.

What are the different purposes people may have when it comes to writing?

People may choose to write for either intrinsic or extrinsic values. Maybe they’re told to do so or they need to get it done to complete something else. Maybe they find solace in the act. There are so many different possibilities for people wanting to write.

What are different goals people may have when it comes to writing?

Some people may write to share their thoughts and ideas. They’d want others to know what is going on inside of their head. Their discoveries and whatnot. Some may want to better themselves at this skill, and they might find themselves wanting to improve in what they do, writing-wise. Others have nothing else to do, and so they curb their boredom by writing.

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