Writer’s Notebook – What does it mean to be a teenager?

What does it mean to be a teenager(literal and deeper meaning)?

To be a teenager is to be an adult, but not an adult at the same time. You are expected to make important decisions and make yourself seem mature and well-thought. To be a teenager is to be from the ages of 13-17. Once you are of 18 years of age you are considered an adult.

How does loneliness feel and what can it make a person do or think?

Loneliness is empty and scary. It comes with anger, paranoia, sadness, and even happiness. Loneliness can feel many different things. It can make people resort to less-than-ideal schemes or close off from those who care about them.

How is loneliness tied to teenage ideas?

Loneliness is often attributed to teenagers. It further displays the full difference that teenagers have between childhood and adulthood. Teenagers are too independent to be a child. And they are too dependent on being an adult. There isn’t a lot of leeway between the stages of life. There is a large gap between the knowledge that they have or need to learn in comparison to others, and it can be hard. Teenagers often feel alone, do to the lack of understanding or ability to communicate with other peoples.

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